Motivation is a process of giving someone a reason for doing something, on other meaning it means encourage students to study, learn and develop. In addition, there are nine Motivators the first one is personal gain, what students will have if they did something. While the second one is prestige and that’s mean the desire to do something that is valued or the other meaning to feel important in some way and feeling important is people naturally desire. And the third one is a pleasure which means enjoying what you do, and people should ask themselves some question such as: are we having fun in the group work or in school environment? Are we having fun while doing the activities? Moreover, students should be engaged to feel enjoyment. The forth …show more content…
In addition, Piaget pushes intrinsic motivation and that’s mean the learning comes from what they believe about themselves and their situation, and direct relationship between the individual and the situation motivation comes about when a person does work to earn the information and experience from it. (Barnett,1995). And motivation can be when children believe about themselves can be the stimulation that drives them, and this has a lot to do with what they are told about themselves by their teachers, and parents. For example, if the child told that they cannot success and they are useless, they will begin to believe that so they will not success. Children actions depend if they see themselves as a good person or if they were neglecting from teachers and parents. Moreover, Piaget’s beliefs about intrinsic motivation and motivation are related to constructivism because they both deal with constructing ideas in our minds in order to learn, he believes that if teachers teach children and just fill student’s heads with details, facts and information’s without really thinking about the students and their experiences, opinion and future learning it will be difficult for students to learn. On the other hand, if teachers encouraging students to love the lesson and to love learning they will be more likely to success in their school and they will feel confident. However, Vygotsky does not agree with Constructivism. He believed that intrinsic motivation did affect children’s motivation, but he believed that extrinsic motivation was more effective in motivating children. (Bobrova & Leong, 1996). Moreover, he says that if I give a child a piece of candy for doing something good, they will want to repeat that action in hopes of receiving another piece of candy. They will not repeat the action because