Herzberg Theory Of Motivation

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Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs seems to be the prominent theory used by scholars to explain how motivation can be attained within a company (5). Maslow’s theory is based on the fact that human beings are driven by an internal need starting with physical needs and culminating in the need for self-actualisation (7d) and personal superiority (5). Maslow’s theory consists of a five level of needs theory and once the needs of one level is attained or satisfied the individual’s behaviour is influenced. The behaviour associated with the level of needs previously satisfied, falls away, and a more powerful behaviour takes precedence for the needs of the next level up the hierarchy (5). The …show more content…

Motivators are those factors in the immediate work environment (7b) such as pleasure for performance, opportunities for advancement , promotion (6), achievement, autonomy, recognition and other fulfilled intrinsic aspects that create job satisfactions (5). These factors are similar to Maslow’s higher order needs and the work environment is positively affected by these factors which lead to improved productivity. Hygiene on the other hand are factors that do not necessarily focus on job satisfaction, however, prevents job dissatisfaction (6), will enhance dissatisfaction when not fulfilled and without increasing satisfaction, will create a suitable work environment (5). Hygiene is similar to the Maslow’s basic needs (6) and are those factors in the work environment related to annoying external conditions such as administration and company policy, supervision, relations with others, working conditions, supervision, status, job security (7), service conditions and remuneration that create job dissatisfaction …show more content…

These individuals initially conduct work in a manner that leads to group acceptance, thereafter moves towards increasing their status or rank (15) as well establishing and maintaining social standing (16).
Self-Concept Internal Motivation
This source of motivation is inner-directed and occurs when internal standards of competencies, values and traits are set by the individual and becomes the individuals own benchmark (16). These individuals conduct work that satisfy internal values and goals rather than that of the groups (15) and are motivated to overcome challenges and pursue personal achievement (16).
Goal Internalisation Motivation
This source of motivation has a distinctive difference to the preceding motivation source as it does not consider self-interest (16). These individuals feel that their own goals are converged with those of the company (15) and that the content is congruent with their personal value systems which are a result of the individuals adopted attitudes and behaviours. These individuals are also motivated to work on the collective goal when they feel a strong sense of duty and the worker believes in the course