September 11th 2001 is a date that will live in the memory of the American people for the rest of our country’s history. With over 2000 deaths and 6000+ injured the lives of many were changed forever. Along with these tragedies the lives of all Americans changed forever. The US began the war on terror, new safety precautions were enacted, and for many Americans the world’s second largest religion became the enemy. But what is terrorism, why do people resort to it, and is there anything that can be done? In this paper, I will answer these questions and argue Max Abrahams views that terrorists are simply disenfranchised people seeking to belong. In the US when we think of terrorism we immediately picture a bearded Muslin man shouting allahu …show more content…
Why does terrorism exist. There are many theories behind this and many of them contradict each other. Conventionally it is believed that people resort to terrorism to achieve a political goal and that it is the last resort. Superficially it makes sense but when analyzed closely Max Abrahms proves it wrong. He does this by showing that these are simply people who want to socialize and make friends through sharing a common cause. He backs up his theory and simultaneously refuting the conventionally reasoning. He shows that because terrorism is not successful in bringing about the change the terrorists want. The terror organizations change their goals to recruit and retain members. Even when their attempts for “change” are fruitless they resist disbanding to remain with their friends. There is proof that for some groups terrorism isn’t the last choice but the first. Some terror attacks are committed anonymously so how would that bring about any change. Unlike politicians who want to achieve change, terrorist refuse to compromise minimizing any possibility of archiving their goals. Finally, terrorist fight other terrorists, instead of acting like political entities they act more like rival