
Max Durin: The Guilty Of Cheating In Adolescents

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While it is very unfortunate that Max chose to cheat on his science test it is fairly common judgment error made by adolescents. “A 2006 study revealed that 60 percent of secondary school students said they have cheated on a test in school in the past year,” (Santrock, 2016 p. 248). Due to Max coming from a home with good Christians parents it is understandable that Max wants his parents to be proud of him and his accomplishments. Further, Max may have felt inclined to cheat due to his parent’s use of power assertion in their parenting. The Bible cautions against this very method of parenting in Colossians 3:21, “fathers, do not provoke your children, or they may lose heart” (New Revised Standard Edition). While Max’s parent’s intentions were good. It is possible by their assertion that he would not be allowed to play soccer if he received a low grade, Max may have felt like he had no other choice but to cheat. …show more content…

In Max’s case he may have felt more comfortable talking to a youth counselor first about his moral failing in order to gauge the reaction he can expect from his parents. I would start my discussion with Max by discussing how he feels about what he has done. I would focus the discussion on why Max may feel guilty for his actions. During adolescence “the conscience punishes the individual for acting immorally by making the individual feel guilty and worthless” (Santrock, 2016 p. 239). I would explain to Max that our conscience can also be equated with our connection with God. That we are born with an innate sense of morality and are able to be aware of our sinful nature. This awareness allows us to be drawn to the divine and to seek redemption through God’s

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