May El Khalila Burohi Analysis

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“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” These two women May El-Khalil and Khalida Brohi are very strong women that has been on a journey to find peace/make peace in their country. They have endured plenty of challenges within their journey, which has made them stronger. Through it all they kept pushing and reaching levels that no one believed they could reach. These two women both want peace just in different ways. May El-Khalil way of making peace within her country was to create a marathon which sponsored multiple things. One day a year everyone would get together no matter how bad situations was they would run the 26.2 mile marathon right next to each other, they included “the young, the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, the blind, the elite, the amateur runners, even moms with their babies.” El-Khalil reached out to everyone, no one was left out so that everyone could come together and feel as one. …show more content…

This project is called Sughar where “30 women will come for six months to learn about value addition of traditional embroidery, enterprise development, life skills and basic education, and about their rights how to say no to those customs and how to stand as leaders for themselves and the society.” Brohi project was created to empower the women to stand up for themselves and not have to rely on men. Here’s where the difference come in, which is time. El-Khalil marathon is ones a year and all they do is run for a certain cause. Meaning after the run everything goes back to how it was, people aren’t learning anything and nothing is changing. But, Brohi is actually changing these women lives forever. They’re learning how to take control of their lives and how to make money as well. These women are becoming stronger and they’re becoming