Meal Plan Analysis: Psychology Sample Response

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MEAL Plan Analysis: Psychology Sample Response The MEAL plan is a tool designed to help writers create a well-written and critical paper as each letter represents a concept intended to improve the organization, professionalism, and clarity of the paper. MEAL stands for main idea (M), evidence (E), analysis (A), and link (L). The main idea introduces the paragraph, evidence provides the support for the main idea, analysis develops the evidentiary support, and link provides the transitions from the current paragraph to the next paragraph. The purpose of this assignment is to use the MEAL as a tool to analyze the psychology sample response in Unit 3 as a means to measure students ' understanding and critical thinking skills. Psychology Sample Response Analysis Critical thinking is more than just understanding concepts and terminology, but also the ability to apply and express those concepts in …show more content…

MEAL plan stands for main idea, evidence, analysis, and links each letter represents a vital point necessary to the scholarly writing. This assignment used the Psychology Sample Response as an instrument of learning so that students could utilize the MEAL plan in practical application. Thereby, enhancing their critical thinking skills by allowing students to evaluate a written response. The Psychology Sample Response did not effectively utilize the MEAL plan as there was no introduction and no conclusion. In addition, the writer 's lack of linking sentence often left the reader confused and the use of quotes without proper introduction and evaluation did not provide supporting evidence. Finally, the writer 's inability to analysis these quotes failed to demonstrate the author 's understanding of the material. Critical thinking skills the ability to synthesize material and the MEAL plan is the tool needed to promote scholarly