Meaning Of The World Satan Research Paper

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MEANING OF THE WORLD SATAN (IBLIS): Satan, in the Arabic language, is a general term for any arrogant rebel. It is used, in general, for that one specific being because he was so arrogant and rebelled against his Lord. In the Islamic Faith Satan is a member of the jinn that constitute a world of their own, created with the ability to obscure them from human sight. The Holy Quran has talked about Iblis (Satan) as a physical being made of fire. He is portrayed as a rebellious creature, basking in glory of the matter he was made of and showing arrogance to man, who was made of clay. THE ORIGIN OF SIN: Worshipping Allah is to obey His Commands and disobeying His Commands is sin and vice, and is surely the way to disbelief, Allah forbid. Hence, …show more content…

His ultimate goal is to make men go astray in the sense that they eventually become disbelievers or at least polytheists. But if they prove to be stuck fast to their faith, he moves to tempt true believers into heterodoxy; that is making them innovate principles and deduce rulings that are alien to genuine Islamic doctrines. If they still resist, he tries to make them err by committing major sins. When the believers are found to be unlikely to commit major sins, Satan never gives up, and begins to adorn the way leading to those seemingly less serious sins; that is by keeping them engaged in trivial matters. Finally, when Satan's efforts come to a 'blind alley', he attempts to make lawful 'recommended' deeds appear more inviting than 'obligatory' duties In his 'struggle' to take advantage of human weaknesses, Satan follows a step-by-step procedure against which we have been warned by Allah in the Holy Qur'an. HE says: "Eat of what Allah has provided for you, and follow not the footsteps of 'Shaitan' (Satan). Surely he is to you an open enemy." (6: 142) The way Satan approaches his victims varies and adapts in accordance with their major interests and inclinations. He uses piety to attack the pious; scholarly disciplines to attack scholars; and ignorance to attack the