Essay On 21st Century Work

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As stated by Morin (2004) Work has evolved a lot since the industrial revolution. Partly due to the progress of sciences and technologies, major transformations happened in the organisational structure and culture. If workers of modern times were overworked then those in post modern times are not only overworked but also over managed, employees appearing eager to increase financial performance of their companies by any means necessary. Many managerial roles still do a lot of damage to work and working conditions. Globalisation, offshoring, and outsourcing add complexity to work. However, they also create many opportunities to change mentality and restore the meaning of work for human beings. As we all get connected, we share more and more problems, …show more content…

When an individual does meaning work, a sense of identity, worth and dignity is developed. By achieving meaning, one achieves actually achieves himself, grows, and even actualises his full potential. Somehow, one has an opportunity to become who he is and to contribute to the improvement of his life conditions and that of hid community. Work becomes problematic when an individual cannot relate to it.
2. Characteristics of the 21st century work place
Sanchez(1994) identifies the characteristics of the 21st century work placeas follows:

2.1 Changing organisational structures
Organisations are becoming more flexible in order to keep up with technological advances and to become or remain competitive in the global market place.
2.2 Changing nature of work
Work tasks and processes are less likely to be fixed entities determined by management. More and more organisations are working to push responsibilities to the lowest level possible in effort to increase commitment, task variety, organisational flexibility and employee ownership of work outcomes. Work is designed and performed by teams-either formally or informally assembled.
2.3 Changing job requirements
Employers expect employees to shift roles, responsibilities, and tasks