Meconium Aspiration Syndrome Case Report

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Management, assessment and prognosis of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

Introduction: Meconium aspiration syndrome is one of the most common causes of respiratory distress in neonates. It may happen during antepartum or intrapartum periods and can result in airway obstruction, defect in gas exchange of the lung , pneumonia and dysfunction of the surfactant . It occurs as a result of fetal hypoxia that leads to increasing peristalsis with anal sphincter relaxation and reflex gasping.

Aim: to determine the methods used for management , assessment and prognosis of meconium aspiration syndrome.

Methods: Meta-analysis, randomized controlled trials, case-control trials , double- blinded studies and case reports were revised of meconium aspiration syndrome using systemic researches of many electronic databases …show more content…

Heart failure in neonates rather occurs as a result to congenital cardiac malformations or diseases as ventricular septal defect, aortic regurgitation, pulmonary regurgitation after repair of tetralogy of Fallot, aortic coarctation, severe aortic stenosis and patent ductus arteriosus.

There is no data showing that there’s a direct relation between liver cell failure in neonates and meconium aspiration.

Conclusion: On the basis of the findings of this review, we recommend inspection of the larynx under direct vision, clearing of the airway artificial ventilation and IV immunoglobulins for the management of cases with meconium aspiration syndrome. Antibiotics are not needed unless there are signs of sepsis. We do not recommend acyclovir or naloxone. Early management is necessary for prevention of complications as these patients are prone to meningitis, early death , pneumothorax, deafness and autism.

Keywords: : meconium aspiration syndrome- suction and intubation – antibiotics and acyclovir – complications – thyroid function

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