Case Study: Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition

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Faculty of pharmacy
Pharmaceutics department

Assignment topic: Neonatal paternal nutrition

Course title: Hospital pharmacy

Course code: PT521

Lab group: C

Submitted to: Dr.Dalia Abdel Aty

Prepared by: Zaid Mohammed Areed – 112955

Due date: 13 may 2016

Spring 2016


parenteral nutritional support is important in our life for infants which is cant get enough of nutrient due to several reasons like problem in GIT which is maybe continuous for several weeks or more . so the parenteral nutrition is very important (Dudrick, 2009).

Neonatal parenteral nutrition (PN) plays an important role in the management of sick and growing preterm and term infants, and so they are willingly present in the hospitals, as PN plays also an important role in the nutritional support for the babies who have feeding problems. …show more content…

In the small preterm infant starvation for only just one day may be detrimental and where it is clear that enteral feeds will not be tolerated soon PN must be instituted shortly after birth. However in older children and in adolescence longer periods of inadequate nutrition up to about seven days may be tolerated, depending on age, nutritional status, and the disease, surgery or medical intervention.
• All of the premature infants less than 35 weeks of pregnancy and most of the infants who ill term infants require full or partial parenteral nutrition whilst the enteral nutrition is introduced gradually (IV)
• The percentage of the parenteral nutrition should be decreased as soon as possible by the introduction of enteral nutrition such as partial PN and finally it could be replaced completely by the enteral nutrition due to decreases or minimize any of the side effects from the exposure to parenteral nutrition