Medea The River Runs Backwards Analysis

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Medea: The River Runs Backwards
Medea: The River Runs Backwards, performed by the actors of Zen Zen Zo, explores the use of dance, interactive programs, contemporary performances and song. All of which act as fundamental components to convey the real life emotions of Euripides primeval Greek Theatre tragedy, Medea. It is through the incorporation of the dramatic languages such as roles and relationships, space and mood that the primary themes are highlighted to the audience. Voice and movement and stage craft also allow the audience to be challenged while simultaneously celebrating life through the dramatic meaning, which becomes prevailing over the course of the performance. Dramatic irony played a vital role in the performance execution as it generated suspense and curiosity, involved the audience, established a personal connection and triggered strong emotions. This dramatic technique was conveyed through the challenging of traditional roles of women and mothers.
Euripides Medea, focuses on …show more content…

However, Medea herself enters and speaks to the dark forces she has conjured and gives the cursed gift to her sons for delivery to Jason’s wedding. In doing this act Medea utilised the different levels of space by sitting, standing and bending over. It is through the use of space that the performance was sustainable to execute the overall theme of revenge. Medea sends poisoned robes to Glauce through her sons, symbolising her treachery and plan for vengeance. Jason and Medea also made effective use of the space through moments where the dialogue took place offstage, allowing the entrance to be more significant by gestures and lines anticipating the actor’s entrance. All movement, particularly by Jason and Medea, was slow and powerful in a stride formation so that the audience would be discernible to their movement as exaggerated movement is a Greek theatre

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