Kinnara D. Gualdaquever
Eng 27 – BA
March 10, 2016
Title: Political Media Bias Awareness of Newly Registered Voters
Thesis: Newly registered voters may be aware of media bias during election period
Background of the Study
The relationship between the economy, media and the politics has “shaped the culture” of the political aspect of the country, Dr. Braid stated during the public forum on the role of media during elections. She stressed out that the media focuses on the election coverage but not the “issue positions” of the candidate, and added that the media should reconsider its path and focus. Politically, next to the judiciary, the executive and the legislative, the media is often said as the fourth estate having almost the
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80% (16/20 participants) agrees while 20% (4/20 participants) does not agree.
Figure 2.1 shows the percentage between the number of participants who have plans on knowing political media bias and those who do not have. This question is only answered by the participants if their answer to number 1 is NO. So in this item, only 3 are expected to answer. The graph above shows that 100% (3/3 participants) have plans on knowing what media bias is.
Figure 3 shows the percentage between the number of participants who knows the importance of knowing political media bias and those who do not. 90% (18/20 participants) knows the importance while 10% (2/20 participants) do not know.
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From the interpreted data, there is a need to improve the awareness of the newly registered voters against media bias. Such ways for improving it could be reading and researching on their own rather than believing everything they hear on the news and they read on-line. There are books, journals, manuscripts and et cetera that are reliable and they may also interview and interrogate experts, professors, analysts and et cetera. The importance in raising this kind of awareness is to have a group of young voters that are capable of making wise and judicious choice of candidates to vote during the election period. It is important to avoid media bias; to know the truth of the issue, the reader or viewer must know how to look behind the story wherein political bias is embedded, and it follows that the readers can decide on how they feel about the happenings in the