Medical Mentoring Personal Statement

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The Medical Mentoring program is an opportunity that will be able to provide me with an educational advantage in preparing for my future health based career. Participating in this program will allow me to have an in depth, experience in my area of interest, physical therapy. I would deeply appreciate the opportunity to be able to ask specific questions about this field and to have someone with real life background and training provide the answers. I am immensely interested in the daily duties and experiences that a physical therapist takes on, and if those tasks are truly what I am destined to do. Physical therapy is my desired career path and my main influence in college decisions. Participating in this program will help me tremendously in this process by providing not only educational insights, but real life experience. …show more content…

Something I love about the health field is its ability to do just that. I myself was able to experience this phenomenon at the Orthopedic & Sports Institute of the Fox Valley. In late December, on a late afternoon, I dislocated my shoulder and was brought to OSI where they took care of me right away. Many of the medical professionals there stayed later just in case the doctor couldn’t relocate it without surgery, and for follow up x-rays. I also had an amazing experience with the physical therapy department. The dedication and commitment demonstrated towards me as a patient have truly inspired me to become a physical therapist. Another reason why I would be a good fit for this program is my expressed interest and commitment to the health field. In addition to the classes previously mentioned, I have taken biology, health careers exploration and I am currently enrolled in the college course, medical terminology. I also plan to enroll in collegiate level courses senior year such as AP Biology and a human anatomy course at Northeast Wisconsin Technical