Medicare Benefits Essay

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When it came down to finding out which policy I wanted to choose I knew automatically that Medicare was the right choice. I didn't pick this policy simply because I thought it was easy but because I feel like everyone should learn exactly what Medicare is. So many people think they know what Medicare is but in reality they don’t understand the fundamentals about it. It's so much more than just a health coverage benefit. It's important to understand and stay educated about things like this even if we are nowhere near 65 years. I thought it was important to learn about Medicare and teach my classmates what it's all about so that when they do reach that age they are not completely confused about all the rules and regulations Medicare has. The …show more content…

It's better to be educated and know the basics of what Medicare consists of rather than being clueless and not knowing the steps it takes to get this incredible benefit. “ As of 2019, Medicare covered more than 56 million people in the United States. That number is increasing rapidly, due to rising life expectancies as well as approximately 10,000 U.S. baby boomers turning 65 each day”. There are so many people using Medicare and this is what is declining the amount that this benefit holds. (Fallon) So what really is Medicare? “Medicare is a U.S. government health insurance program. The plan covers people aged 65 or older, younger ones with disabilities, and patients with end-stage renal disease”. (Kagen) This was designed so that people can have a fighting chance at life and not be in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for things they simply cannot control. Our world would never be the same if we didn't have this benefit. With this policy it has 4 parts to it, Part A, B, C,and D. Each of these covers something different which can make Medicare a little …show more content…

This simply refers to the Medicare Advantage program in which it provides the same benefits as Part A and B however, it comes with other advantages that you normally wouldn't have such as assistance with vision, hearing, and dental care. Those three can be extremely expensive and the older people get the more those will be needed. Again Plan C isn't acquired, it's just recommended. The premium and deductible differ depending on which plan one may choose along with a person's overall annual income. It's usually never the same for everyone. Lastly, there's Part D which is the prescription drug benefit. This helps cover the expense of medications for those who simply cannot afford. It's never a true guarantee that it will pay for the medication in full but it does help cover some to where one doesn't have to go without. This Plan can be either super beneficial or it cannot at all it just depends on what certain medications a person is taking or needed. The premium and deduction fee for this also varies like Plan C depending on one's income and the certain plan they decide to choose. The tricky thing with each of these plans is it varies. One year it could be expensive and the other it can be really affordable. Medicare is just one of those things where it's not completely free and it's not necessarily cheap. It's important to keep that in mind because the costs now for Medicare could not be