Medieval Evil Vs Evil Essay

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My whole life I have heard people say that “Choosing evil is choosing not to be loved by God”. Although is there an existence of evil, in every religion's beliefs and what is there explanation for evil? If God is the almighty, then why do bad things happen is it because of evil being existence? Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the Medieval Era have different beliefs and explanations for evil and the instances of unfortunate events.
Jewish Medieval Belief on the existence of evil, hell, and explanation of unfortunate events is a concept that is quite different to modern belief. The Jewish people in the Medieval Era did not acknowledge Hell, there is no concept of “Hell” in the Torah. In fact, the only similarity to Hell that is in Jewish religion is “Gehinnom” which is believed by mystical Judaism like Orthodox and Hasidic Jews and “Gehinnom” is more explained as grave site or place of waiting.
Similarly, to a Christian belief in Catholicism which has a belief of purgatory which is an “waiting area” before entering Heaven or Hell and likewise Hell, the Kabbalah states that “Gehinnom” is not a place that you stay forever, one can leave. Although, I grant that this is mainly only belief by mystic Jews, it is interesting that this belief is closer to a Catholic Belief then other Jewish beliefs. In fact, …show more content…

If Heaven is a joyous place in afterlife where you get to be closer to God than you ever were on earth then it can be compared to the winning of game. For example, let’s say Earth is place we’re we live our life and its game and the winning prize is we are supposed to reach a loving relationship with God in His Glory, which is Heaven. Your goal is to reach Heaven, because you finally get to be with God. Now to be with God, it involves death but the positive is that you lived your life accordance to God like he said and your afterlife is joyous and