Men: The Most Significant Men During World War II

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There were many notable men that were spartans during World War II including: Hirohito and Hideki Tojo, Joseph Stalin and Harry and Truman, Hirohito and Benito Mussolini. Kim and Jim, Connie and Bettie, Ruth and Ronnie were looked at as gadflies during the slumber party as they continually interrupted the group discussion. Mophie and Huawei, Lenovo and Nintendo offered to combine their companies with Apple, but the CEO of Apple spurned the offer. As the children trotted past the macabre ghouls and goblins, monsters and warlocks, witches and werewolves, they anxiously cried for their mothers’ and fathers’. When Henry asked various supermarket chains for donations, he received a pittance of money from: Walgreens and Wal-mart, Trader Joe’s

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