
Mending Wall Symbolism

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Symbolism in writing is like the pillow you sleep on. The pillow adds cushion and support and does the same in writing. Symbolism enhances your writing and gives an insight to the reader by adding things that are not bitterly taken but understandable to the reader. This technique helps the reader understand by something they know they can relate to the article.in the poems “Mending wall” by Robert frost, “Jabberwocky” by Lewis Carroll, and ““La Belle Dame sans Merci” by John Keats they show the use of symbolism to relate to the reader. In “Mending wall” by Robert Frost they talk about the building blocks of a wall, and how hard work can make the wall stronger. Most of the time a wall is put up due to ignorance or for privacy. People are too afraid of the world and they don’t know what’s in it. People tear a wall down and build it back due to ignorance of not realizing the meaning of a wall. a wall is built for protection against the outsiders whether it be mother nature, creatures, or our own people. In this poem the poem is protection from its own people. An example is “Before i built the wall …show more content…

“With anguish moist and fever dew, / And on thy cheeks a fading rose/ Fast Withereth too.” his cheeks are getting pale referring to “withereth” and he is very close to death. The symbolism shows as that as the seasons go by so does his life. It also shows if you ae ready you will get something worse off like in this poem. For example, Keats states, “Her hair was long, her foot was light,/ and her eyes were wild,” and “ And i woke, and found me here,/ On the cold hill side.” Due to his greediness of getting the girl instead of taking her out proper to be more fond of each other he gets a life taking dieses, an STD, only to find when he wakes he has been used and she is gone with no explanation. She has put a spell on him that cannot be broken and the knight is to blame for his lust on

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