Mental Health Counselor

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Journal #1: My Thoughts on Becoming a Mental Health Counselor The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the views of becoming a mental health counselor. Although there are many professions to choose from, I decided a mental health counselor with a specialized area in women’s health and domestic violence is my true calling. Tiffany Rush-Wilson Ph. D. stated, “That if we are in this field is because we have a true passion and the seed to do this type of work” (Laureate, 2012). Over the last few decades changes in need for mental and behavioral health services have become more prevalent (Angermeyer, Matschinger, & Schomerus, 2013). Americans underutilize mental health services due to the following: absent awareness in lower social economic communities, poverty, inadequate funding for mental health services; lack of collaboration and coordination among primary care, mental health providers, access barriers; stigma surrounding mental illness and treatment; denial of problems; and …show more content…

As a mental health counselor, it can have individual rewards. The ability to become a successful professional in a growing field has many venues for specialized areas and growth (Laureate, 2012). However, as with any program there are some uncertainties for the future. My concern is the future needs of mental health counselors with technology developing more and more daily. If we search our IPhone, IPad and other technological equipment, we can find an app for anything. The question I have is: In the future, will mental health counselors be extinct? Will there be a need to pay a salary when people can pay monthly service fee to get counseling through an avatar found in an app? Will this program reach my career and final goals as an older student? In spite of potential drawbacks, I find my personality is a fit for this program, and I love making a difference in the mental wellness of