Mental Health Issues Research Paper

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In today's society, it does not take an expert to recognize the multitude of social issues and inequalities present in our everyday life; however, I have personal experience with a societal problem that many people have little to no knowledge about. I have done an extensive amount of research on this topic, and have come to the conclusion that it is taboo, and even the mention of it is considered inappropriate for a college essay. Multiple college advisory sites warn against the disclosure of this subject, saying that although some college admission boards may not be prejudiced towards it, many will be. This is simply more indicative of our society's dismissal, misunderstanding, and disdain for mental health issues. Mental illness is probably one of the most misconstrued and stigmatized health problems that exists today. It is often viewed as a 'behavioral' reflection on the person himself rather than an actual medical ailment. Just one example of this is the word 'stigma.' Look it up, and the first example sentence that will appear is "the stigma of mental disorder." My experience with depression and anxiety was not only attempting to deal with the illness itself, but also with …show more content…

One of the main reasons for this reaction is a lack of knowledge about the subject. Physical health problems can be explained relatively easily because they can be seen and felt; however, mental illness is more complex, and is thought of as more of a theoretical issue than an actual illness. Even though it is diagnosed as a medical condition, many people do not consider it to be one. Society views any problem associated with mental health to be something that is dangerous or unappealing, and concludes that anyone associated with a mental health problem should be avoided at all costs. This, unfortunately, is a common misconception, and is something that I have had personal exposure

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