Mental Health System: The Canadian Health Care System

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Introduction The Canadian health care system has many gaps that need to be filled in in order to improve lives of thousands of Canadians in need. The topic that I have chosen to study is mental health. Mental health is very important as 1 in 5 Canadians suffer from a mental health issue or have an addiction problem (Mental Health Commission of Canada). Mental health is defined as an individual’s state of well-being and ability to cope with the stress of everyday life, in their own way which can lead to essential contributions within and towards their community (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, 2013). It is important to understand that a mental hardship does not only affect the individual but also effects on the community, and …show more content…

This was done under the Mental Hospital Act (Byrick &Walker-Renshaw 2012). This act allowed the development of institutions designed for mentally ill patients. The first asylum was built in 1714 in Quebec City. However at that time it was opened for the treatment of women only. A few decades later, it expanded to include both men and women who were suffering from some mental disorders (Statistics Canada 2009). The gradual growth of interest in mental health resulted in deinstitutionalization, or the discharge of prison and asylums in the 1960’s. This resulted in the development of new medication and ways to treat mental illness (Simmons, 1990). This changed allowed the once permanent patients of the asylums to be released into society into the care of their loved ones (Newman, 1998). However, this was unsuccessful as the government did not develop and improve community services. Consequently many of the individuals that were mentally ill suffered a great deal (Newman, …show more content…

It is estimated that health problems can costs over $14.4 billion annually. Many things can be changed in order to alleviate mental health issues in adolescents and help poor individuals with mental illnesses. These problems can be solved by subsidizing buildings for those in need. In addition to that, it is also important to have some sort of medical help for those who are faced with mental illness. Housing can include access to highly skilled professional help that families may need in order to improve their lives (Kirby, & Keon,

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