Mental Illness In Macbeth

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The purpose of this research paper is to examine the different treatments that are used to ease the mental state of an individual and how mental illness has changed overtime. The focus will be on whether specific treatments are harmful to individuals and if there has been a change overtime. Today in society, mental illness is viewed as a negative flaw to human beings, and because of it, people are often labeled as different and harmful. With the help of new advanced technology, people can pinpoint the madness behind the
For ages, mental illness has been depicted as a misconception among society. Naturally for human beings’ noticing something noticeably odd can cause judgement towards the individual. Most common misconceptions are set on a …show more content…

At the beginning of the play Marson stated that Macbeth is portrayed as “valiant, dutiful to his sovereign, mild, gentle, and ambitious” (68). However, soon Macbeth is welcomed by the three witches and they speak their prophecy and declare him Thane of Cawdor. Still, Macbeth’s mental state is not shaken up, however, he is in a delusional state of mind. Macbeth rejoices and sends a letter to Lady Macbeth knowing that the witches’ prophecies come true. At the time, Macbeth has no interest in killing King Duncan, but Lady Macbeth does. She then stirs up a manipulative plan for her husband, Macbeth, to pursue the killing of King …show more content…

Corrigan P.W., & Rao, D. “On the Self-Stigma of Mental Illness: Stages, Disclosure, and Strategies for Change.” World Psychiatry, , Feb 2002. Accessed 24 Feb. 2018. This is a scholarly article in which multiple illustrations, graphs, and tables are used. Multiple authors and correct cited resources are constructed into the article as well. With the knowledge of multiple authors and facts, this article is highly credible regarding gathering information.
Corrigan, P.W., & Watson, A.C. “Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental illness.” World Psychiatry, , Feb 2002 pp. 16-20. Accessed 24 Feb. 2018. This is a scholarly article in which multiple illustrations, graphs, and tables are used. Multiple authors and correct cited resources are constructed into the article as well. With the knowledge of multiple authors and facts, this article is highly credible regarding gathering information.
Dual Diagnosis Association. “History of Mental Health Treatment.” Dual Diagnosis, , Accessed 28.