Mental Instability In Macbeth

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People have always struggled with mental instability and temptation and pure desperation. Mcbeth is no different. Mcbeth has this hallucination which provokes one of Shakespeare's most pivotal speeches “Is this a dagger which I see before me?” This scene is so powerful that it marks the moment where Mcbeth is so driven by his mental instability, his temptation and pure desperation he was driven mad and finally decided to murder the king. Firstly, The dagger has affected Mcbeth mentally because he was driven mad he mind was constantly racing full of lucrative ideas and thoughts on what the future could bestow upon him. As stated in line 45-45 in Mcbeth “The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” Which shows the audience that he was driven mad by his mind up to a state of pure murder filled rage. Then he begins to hallucinate the dagger being in the room which drives his mind to a deeper state of anguish. Macbeth mind played games on him so much he committed treason then proceeded to turn on himself and feel regret and guilt towards his past actions. …show more content…

He used the reasoning as a way to give himself the leverage he needed to kill the king. As stated in line 57 “And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, Which was not so before ….” Which means that he was seeing blood on the daggers because he was so driven by temptation and filled with rage and murder he saw the blood before he even committed the crime and the dagger slowly became more real for him as time went on until he did it. Mcbeth was never afraid of what could happen after the fact but he was driven to the point where he could see himself killing king Duncan just because of the amount of overwhelming temptation he

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