Mental-Spiritual-Emotional Analysis

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To begin this section, we need to first look at what the 4 States of Being are and their correlation to the Elements. The States of Being are considered the building blocks that contribute to our personal quality of life. Each one plays a role of making and strengthening the next one so that there is a completion of a cycle of quality that we can then put forth into our lives. The States are Mental - Spiritual - Emotional - Physical and each one is as important as the next and are all needed to bring balance to a single person. The Mental being is the Observe state and it gives us tools that assist in recognizing the experiences that will help us to grow and become balanced. It is within this state that we actually seek out the life challenges …show more content…

Upset # 2 -- The pumping of and paying for the gas Unbalance -- annoyance, disgust, anger - We continue the cycle from before of going from Mental (observe) directly to Sensual (feel), or Elements -- Air, Water, Fire = Observe, become distracted and become paranoid; then we become emotional, melancholy with our thoughts and stagnate with our actions; thus keeping us hyper and combative. Upset # 3 -- Rudeness to / of the attendant Unbalance -- anger, rudeness Elements -- Air, Fire, Earth = Observe, become forceful and combative into Stagnation and stubbornness adding to the cycle and keeping it going with no chance of calming one self down to see a balance Upset # 4 -- Feeling / feeding the negativity Unbalance -- hurt, anger, melancholy, annoyance Elements -- Observe, Forceful, combative, destructive, stagnant, dominating where the cycle simply gets worse See the potential level of personal toxicity here? It starts out so small, and then snowballs into a large avalanche of uncontrollable emotions and negative outcomes. So, how could this have been stopped? When could we have stopped the snowball from