Mental Toughness In Sports Essay

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“When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” is one way to say it. Or, as one sports psychologist put it, mental toughness is “the ability to consistently perform toward the upper range of your talent and skill regardless of competitive circumstances.” In other words, being mentally tough means that no matter how brutal the circumstances—whether it’s your 14th hour running through a desert in temperatures well over 100F or you’re halfway through a 400-rep workout that includes pull-ups and single-leg squats—you’re able to withstand the pain and suffering and perform to the best of your skills and talents, with a good time, high place, or even a win. One of the major psychological factors in determining the success of the athletes is mental …show more content…

The mean value of amateurs is less than that of experienced players on handling pressure. One of the conditions for using the two sample t-ratio for the unrelated groups is the variance of the two groups must be equal. To test the equality of variances, Levene’s test was used. In table 6 , F- value is .009 which is insignificant as the p value is . 925 which is more than .05. Thus the null hypothesis of equality of variances may be accepted, and it is concluded that the variances of the two groups are equal. It can be seen from Table 6, that the value of t statistic is -2.849. the t value is significant as its p value is which is less than .05.thus it is concluded that the ability to handle pressure of experienced players is more than that of amateur players. Table 7 – descriptive statistics of the groups with regard to reboundability. Group Statistics group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Reboundability amateur 30 3.8000 1.03057 .18815 experience 30 4.5667 1.00630 .18372 Table 8 F- and T-table for the testing of variances and equality of means of two unrelated groups of amateurs and experienced with regard to