Mercy Otis Warren Research Paper

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Mercy Otis Warren was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on September 14, 1728 and was one of thirteen children. At an early age, Mercy developed a keen interest in politics, that only grew stronger as she grew. She was surrounded by political protestants, some including her brother, James Otis, and her husband, James Warren, whom she married November 14, 1754. She was born into the prosperous Cape Cod family and was particularly well off as a child. Although Mercy Otis had no formal schooling, her uncle, the Rev. Jonathon Russell, allowed her to sit in almost all her brothers tutoring lessons. She even sat in the lessons when her brother, James Otis, was preparing to go to Harvard for college. Mercy Otis had accomplished things that were unheard of for women in her time. She was an …show more content…

Her parlor in Plymouth became a focal point of politics and hosted protest and strategy meetings. She even had a group with which she corresponded regularly with. These people included Abigail Adams, John Adams, Martha Washington and Hannah Winthrop. Over time, even Sam Adams, John Hancock, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, and many others. She continued writing her plays and started putting women in the center of political turmoil. She whole-heartedly believed that women should associate themselves with politics and always be aware of what’s going on around them. She wanted a healthy republic, and for that to happen, it required politically conscious women. By some she is even considered the first women to primarily write for the public, instead of herself. Mercy proved that women could inspire their countrymen to take