Mesopotamia Civilization

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Mesopotamia had many great writings considering their location wasn 't exactly ideal for a growing civilization. Since it was in the fertile crescent, the land was seen as very valuable, and other civilizations wanted to have the agriculture for their own. There was also no natural obstacle to keep it safe, no mountains, desert, ocean, etc, so it was very susceptible to invasion. The Iron Age, occurring from 1000 to 500 BCE, was a time in a rise and fall of many empires, all of which manipulated Iron for the sole purpose of warfare. Two of the empires at this time, the Neo-Hittite Empire and the Neo-Assyrian Empire, saw an expansion during this time period. The Neo-Hittite Empire was originally 2 states, the Hittites and the Mitanni. The Hittites, …show more content…

3: Describe the earliest definitions of Hebrew/ Jewish history and identity from the time of Abraham to the Hebrew "Golden Age" and its rulers, to the Babylonian Captivity and afterwards. Are these accounts historical, and how should the "Tanakh" of Bible be considered with regard to history, and how does it inform us about Hebrew/ Jewish society? What accounted for the Golden Age and how/ why did it …show more content…

It is not certain that these events are 100% true, but they show the divine teniousity that the Jewish people have engraved into their society. The history teaches others to always firmly fight for what is right, and shows the struggle of this cultures very existence. One of the largest figures in the Tanakh is Abraham, who was seen as the founder of Jewish/Hebrew history. He was born around 1800 BCE in the city of Ur, Babylonia. His father, Terach, was an idol merchant that worshipped many gods. Abraham refused to believe this, and preached the belief in monotheism, in only one, true God. It is said that God later contacts Abraham, insisting he find a new path, leave his family so that he will be blessed with a greater nation. One that believes in only one deity. He takes his wife Sarai, his followers, and livestock and sets forth to Canaan. Here, Abraham had 2 sons, Isaac and Ishmael. It is said that the Hebrew/Jewish history is founded upon the 12 tribes that consisted of the 12 sons of Isaac. They eventually leave and head to Egypt, for there is a very long famine in Canaan. Once here, they were enslaved by the Pharaoh, however the prophet Moses was sent to free them. The Tanakh talks about Moses, and his journey of parting the sea 's for the Jewish in order for them to return home. However, they wandered the Sinai