
Mesopotamian Religion Vs Roman Religion

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Since the beginning of time, the belief of an all-knowing, higher power has been widely known and practiced. Religion is a major part in many people’s lives and influences them drastically. Knowing how religion was formed for many of the ancient civilizations can impact one’s understanding on religion today, as it will further the knowledge of the past so further learning and understanding can be pursued. The religion of Mesopotamia was based on how the divine affected every aspect of human life. Divination was the scientific method of understanding and interpreting a message from the gods in an earthly context for the Mesopotamian people, and divination was often used to understand what the gods wanted the people to complete. Mesopotamian …show more content…

In the beginning, the Romans worshiped Greek gods and foreign cults, and the early forms of the religion were animistic in nature. The Romans believed spirits inhabited everything around them, including humans. Although the early Romans adopted the Greek gods, new Roman gods were added and, along with spirits, were worshiped at a temple on Capitol Hill. Ultimately, religion and myth became one and the gods became more anthropomorphic: where the gods adapted human emotions such as jealousy, greed, and love. Roman religion also believed individual expression of belief was unimportant and that rituals were far more significant. Eventually, the gods were washed away and were slowly replaced by …show more content…

Islam is also a monotheistic religion that believes in only one God, Allah, and is the world’s second-largest religion currently. Its followers are known as Muslims and, like Christianity, Muslims have denominations as well. However, there are only two main denominations that most Muslims identify with: Sunni and Shia. The Sunni and Shia split arose from a disagreement over who got to succeed Muhammad, the Sunni believe that the successor should be elected and the Shia believe the successor should be a direct descendent of Muhammad. The holy word of Islam is the Qur’an, which is the sacred word of God that the Muslims abide by. Muslims also follow a set of rules within the Qur’an called ‘The Pillars of Islam’. The Five Pillars of Islam are: to recite the Qur’an, pray the proper way five times a day, fast and pray during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime, and pay alms to the Muslim poor. The formalities of Islam are very different from most of the other religions, due to the Qur’an’s teachings. To worship, one must be in a Mosque or any place that is ‘deemed clean by Islamic standards’ and you must pray at least five times a day. Also, an interesting fact about Islam is that they believe humans are born pure and innocent, that one must decide right from

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