Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Essay

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One thousand, one hundred and thirty-eight students from Brock University, registered in a Foundations of Psychology first year course, participated in this study. Measures The metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) Scoring Guide was used to measure metacognitive knowledge (17 items) and metacognitive regulation (35 items), with 8 cognitive skills separated under each category. (1) Declarative knowledge (2) procedural knowledge and (3) conditional knowledge fell under knowledge about cognition. (4) Planning (5) information management strategies, (6) comprehension monitoring, (7) debugging strategies, and (8) evaluation fell under regulation of cognition. The MAI consisted of 52 items, to which a participant can either answer true or false. There was also an uncertainty score scale, ranging from 0 – 100, in which participants select a value that corresponds to how certain they in their performance, after completing a task. Procedure Each participant was given the MAI and asked to complete it, by answering either true or false for all 52 items. Each item answered true would receive a score of 1 and each item answered false would receive 0. Each of the 52 items …show more content…

An uncertainty value closer to zero suggested an individual being more certain about his/her performance, while a value closer to 100 suggested high uncertainties about his/her performance. The MAI scores for knowledge of cognition ranged from 1 to 17, 1 showing little cognitive knowledge and 17 demonstrating high knowledge (M = 12.8, SD = 2.6). The MAI score 2, or regulation of cognition scores, ranged from 2, showing little regulation, to 35, showing high cognitive regulation (M = 24.1, SD = 4.7). Finally, the overall MAI score ranged from 12, showing lower metacognitive ability, and 52, displaying very high cognitive ability (M = 37.0, SD = 6.1). These results are summarized in Table