
Metamorphosis Relationship Between Gregor And His Father

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Title: The Metamorphosis According to J. Stephens, the story Metamorphosis reflects Franz Kafka life because "The relationship between Gregor and his father is in many ways similar to Franz and his father Herrman.'' The author lived his life in the shadow of his father. In the novel, Kafka is using the main charter, Gregor, to express his true feelings and little detail about his life. (J. Stephens) ''The Metamorphosis'' takes place at Gregor's apartment where he is lying in bed and wakes up as a large bug. The first thought that comes to his mind is being late for work. Gregor hated his job but he could not quit because he had to pay off his families' debt. Throughout most of the story, Gregor lives a life of serving and not receiving anything for his troubles. He feels it is his reasonability to take care of his loved one's finical needs but his father takes advantage of Gregor's kindness. ''Oh God, he thought, what a grueling job I've picked. Day in day out on the road.... The torture of traveling worrying about changing trains and eating miserable food. But because of the responsibility, he felt towards his family he would endure it. …show more content…

Gregor begins to speak to himself about leaving and doing what he wants but just ignores his feelings. He knows if he stopped working his family would be very upset ''We'll I haven’t given up hope completely, once I've gotten the money to pay off my parent's debt to him, that will probably take another five to six years''.... However, there was a twist at the end of the

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