Methamphetamine Research Paper

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I have chosen to do my research on methamphetamine. I will talk the danger and how methamphetamine is becoming a growing problems within our community. According to the National Institute of Justice article Methamphetamine Abuse: Challenges for Law Enforcement and Communities. This article states that “fifty-eight percent of county law enforcement agencies surveyed by the National Association of Counties in 2005 listed methamphetamine as the number one drug problems in their area. (NIJ Journal Issue No. 254: Methamphetamine Abuse). The reason it is growing is because it easy to manufacture and it give them a long lasting high at least 8 hours. Methamphetamine is a synthesized you can cook methamphetamine and making it is it takes base …show more content…

I have heard about this drug and always consider it to be in most rural areas of the states. This drug is manufacturer in the United States. In doing research on this drug I have seen the effect it has on individual within a 6 months times. Using Meth will transform you from looking like a 17 year-old female to a 60 year-old female. I am not really sure why people want to use this drug and how we can go about getting them into treatment. While working within the substance abuse community I have not come across anyone trying Meth which is also consider a stimulant. Most of the people drug of choice is crack, heroin and alcohol. There is so much research about this drug and the harm it will do to you. There are several known street name for Methamphetamine they are as follows; ice, crystal, glass, tweak and Tina. This drug can be taken in several different ways you can smoked, snorted, take it orally or injected intravenously. The signs and symptoms you should look for in dealing with meth user are they feel like bug are crawling on their skin, talking a lot, fast heart rate, sweating, weight loss, not wanting to eat, sores on their hands and face and they are unable to sleep developing insomnia. Once you use Methamphetamine has an addicting quality to tolerance starts to build up the moment one start using …show more content…

Its use remains marginal in Europe except in the Czech Republic (2,8 cases for 1000) and Slovakia (1,5 to 4 cases for 1000). (Petit A, Karila L, Chalmin F, Lejoyeux M (2012) Methamphetamine Addiction: A Review of the Literature. J Addict Res Ther S1:006. doi: 10.4172/2155-6105.S1-006). The article also report that there is no pharmacological therapy established for treatment of this addiction and no medications proven to be effective in treating methamphetamine addicted. According to the World Drug report it states that 51 million people which is 1.2% of the populations from ages 15 -64 years has used methamphetamine at least once in the past 12

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