
Mexican War Essay

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Mexico must find a way to lower this violence considering how rapidly people have died during this war. Since 2007, 164,345 people have been killed in Mexico alone (Breslow, 2015). This number is larger than the amount of killings in Iraq and Afghanistan combined, both of which have had actual wars between other nations in their country. In Mexico, Mexicans have been killing other Mexicans and the fact that this results in a larger amount of dead people than two countries who were at actual war is astonishing. Civilians, officials, mayors, and members of cartels are just a few groups of people that have all been killed as a result of the war on drugs in Mexico (Breslow, 2015). The killings in Mexico is an upsetting subject and the people of not only Mexico, but the U.S. as …show more content…

has already joined Mexico in the war against drugs and for the most part, it has resulted in positive effects. With the help of the U.S., Mexico has been able to capture more of the top drug kingpins thanks to the advanced technology and military of the United States (Lee, 2014). However, if the U.S. wants to become an even bigger factor in the war they must turn their attention to what is going on in the U.S. as well instead of only focusing on Mexico. The U.S. has focused most of their attention in Mexico during this war, which has caused them to overlook weapons being smuggled over to Mexico for the use of the cartels (Lee, 2014). There are many little things that need to be fixed if the U.S. and Mexico want to take down the cartels. It is not going to be easy by all means and there are no logical solutions to any of the issues that are caused by the cartels. Regardless of this, it is best for everyone, both Americans and Mexicans, to be aware of what has been going on in Mexico and the tragedy that plagues them. The Mexican drug war is a tragedy that plagues Mexico and it will not end anytime soon, but the people of Mexico can only hope that the killings and the crime will

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