Mexicano Book Report

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Book Report on Mexicano and Latino Politics and the Quest for Self-Determination: What Needs to be Done

Man Luo
Ethic study002

Book Report on Mexicano and Latino Politics and the Quest for Self-Determination: What Needs to be Done by Armando Navarro
Consideration of the characteristics of the political power of various national minorities within the United States is of particular interest. In this regard, a book called Mexicano and Latino Politics and the Quest for Self-Determination: What Needs to be Done by Armando Navarro is a great opportunity to see the features of Mexicano and Latino politics in the United States. In fact, the author is convinced that they are both decadent forms of political power and government …show more content…

One of the main advantages of this book is that it can be regarded as the first serious attempt to study and understand the peculiarities of Mexicano and Latino politics as they are represented in the United States. The author considers the question of political as well as the national self-determination of Hispanic minorities living in the United States. Indeed, this issue is rather important for all people regardless of their area of residence. National and political identity are essential for all people, because they determine the vector of their further development. For this reason, the merit of the author is certain. No less important is the fact that Navarro is committed to a deep and comprehensive analysis of the Mexicano and Latino politics. In this regard, the value of this book is that each of its chapters can be seen as the result of serious scientific research and reflection. The author uses various scientific research methods based on the study of historical, demographic, social, economic and political characteristics of living in Aztlán. Historical study of the peculiarities of the region is inextricably linked with the social and economic characteristics of its existence. The author aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the issue. As a result, the reader is able to see the social, economic and political development of the region called …show more content…

The feature of this book is that it can be regarded as a political program. Based on a careful analysis and study of the features of Aztlán from the late 19th century to modern times, Navarro attempts to offer a number of practical recommendations for the solution of the problem of self-identification of the Mexicanо and Latino minorities in Aztlán. In this regard, the change model proposed by him are worthy of special attention. An additional argument in favor of such an approach is justified by the fact that indeed the recent American political, social and economic spheres have a number of serious difficulties. In this regard, the value of this book lies in the fact that it offers practical ways to solve the problem of self-identification of Latinos living in the United States. The value of this book is defined by the fact that it has not only theoretical but also practical importance. On the other hand, it is possible to designate several serious critical remarks concerning the main ideas of the