Michael Demon Calce: Highly Publicized Ddos Attacks

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Michael Demon Calce, also known as Mafiaboy launched a series of highly publicized DDoS (denial-of-service) attacks in February 2000 while he was a student in High School. These attacks targeted large commercial websites including: Dell, eBay, Yahoo!, Fifa.com, Amazon.com, and CNN. He also attempted to launch a series of simultaneous attacks against nine of the thirteen root name servers. Mafiaboy was caught because he had been bragging Internet chat room about his actions and left traces of evidence on the attack. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, hackers were popular heroes. They would challenge and defeat the barriers of government and corporate computers, in the most part in a positive way. The number of hackers grew as computers became more common, and the problem of hacking became more than an inconvenience. After the 1980s the television and newspapers began describing hackers as criminals because some hackers would use their computer skills to steal for their own benefits. On the other hand, others simply broke into computer systems just to prove themselves with no further objectives, some would do it for fun. A hacker’s profile today falls into the category of criminals. There are two types of hackers, the experts, and the novices. The experts are capable of breaking into most computers and the novices are the ones who do not have the skills to design such powerful scripts and are only capable of attacking vulnerable systems. …show more content…

Set up the computer so that the screen and keyboard are not visible to someone passing by. Make sure there is nobody around observing while I try to enter my important accounts such as bank statements or even getting money out in the

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