Hacker Group Favorited Anonymous: The Guy Threats

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Hacker groups are defined as informal communities that started forming in the early 1980s with the invention of the home computer. Hacking groups have been responsible for several major breaks of cyber security either fueled by social injustice or a need to wreak havoc on many different types of organizations. Some major hacking incidents that have occurred include Sony Pictures’ network being broken into by hacking groups in November of 2014. Hackers managed to release employee and salary records. Anonymous is one of the most infamous and radical hacking groups around today. Their signature logo is the Guy Fawkes’ mask and another version of it is the image of the man in a suit with a question mark in place of a head. The group favorited …show more content…

A video featuring Tom Cruise, a famous member of the Church of Scientology, was released by Gawker media in which Cruise talks about scientology. Scientologists did not approve of the video and began to remove it legally from sites in an attempt to keep it hidden. Anonymous saw the removal of the video as censorship and found ways to post it on different websites. Threats were made toward the “Anons” or Anonymous group members, which just encouraged more action on part of Anonymous. They enacted a program that overloaded their broadband service and caused chaos at the expense of Scientology. Some Anons were arrested for this act. Anonymous called for protest and rallies that were held at Scientology sites around the world. These rallies nonviolent protests numbered in the thousands from London to Sydney and this showed Anonymous that their group wasn’t as small as they had …show more content…

Anonymous called for revenge in a video, promising to seek out companies that had obstructed WikiLeaks. This promise of compromise became known as Operation Payback. In 2012, the Associated Press called Anonymous “a group of expert hackers”; Quinn Norton, in Wired, wrote that “Anonymous had figured out how to infiltrate anything,” resulting in “a wild string of brilliant hacks.” Collective members pay no fees to join or group fees, all they have to do is pledge their allegiance to the cause. The Anonymous’ slogan is “We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.” It is a call to people to start paying attention to what’s really happening in the world. It is a call to

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