Tech Model Railroad Club Essays

  • The Electronic Communications Privacy Act And The Comprehensive Crime Control Act

    757 Words  | 4 Pages

    One of the first high-profile cases against hackers happened in 1983, when the FBI arrested six Milwaukee teens collectively known as “414s”, named after the area code of the city. The group was accused of hacking into over 60 different computer systems such as those of Los Alamos National Library and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre. A year after, in 1984, publications about hacking started to surface. For instance, a man named Eric Corley released a subversive magazine with the title “2600:

  • Anonymous Vs Anonymous Research Paper

    2112 Words  | 9 Pages

    Anonymous When you hear the word "hacker", what comes to your mind? Most people would think of a bad guy out of a James Bond movie when they hear the word hacker. I, on the other hand, think of Anonymous. Anonymous is one of, if not the biggest hacking associations in the world. They go by the name Anonymous because, well, that's exactly what they are; anonymous. No- body knows who they are. The members themselves don't even know one another. Brian Kelly defines Anonymous as, "a very loose and decentralized

  • Persuasive Essay: Why Colleges Should Teach Hacking

    548 Words  | 3 Pages

    To begin, there are so many gray areas in whether colleges should teach hacking. Personally, I believe that the negative outcomes outweigh the positive. The public is worried whether colleges should teach their students how to code malware and viruses. It is reported that one instructor even teaches students how to curb anti-virus software and how to create anonymous strings of email spam. Whereas colleges teaching hacking could be seen as unnecessary, it could be insanely helpful and needed in the

  • Hacker Group Favorited Anonymous: The Guy Threats

    912 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hacker groups are defined as informal communities that started forming in the early 1980s with the invention of the home computer. Hacking groups have been responsible for several major breaks of cyber security either fueled by social injustice or a need to wreak havoc on many different types of organizations. Some major hacking incidents that have occurred include Sony Pictures’ network being broken into by hacking groups in November of 2014. Hackers managed to release employee and salary records

  • Post Secondary Considerations

    597 Words  | 3 Pages

    Post Secondary Considerations It is very important to make the right decision when considering what to do after high school as it will affect the rest of your life. I want a career in professional hacking / Security analysing. A Professional hacker is someone who works for an IT firm, cybersecurity companies, and even the government. The function of a professional hacker is to use an array of hostile attacks such as: phishing, keylogging, modification attacks, denial of service attacks, email

  • Theme Of Family In The Metamorphosis

    1417 Words  | 6 Pages

    The family theme in The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. The family is the basic unit in any society. The stability of any society is based on how strong the family unit is. In The Metamorphosis, the writer brings out various challenges that occur in a family that was once happy and accepted every member as they were. In the text, Gregor goes through an unforeseen change that is unusual and unexplainable. The sudden change brings out the different reactions and roles played by different members of

  • APHG Free Response Paper

    936 Words  | 4 Pages

    advancement has generated a profitable business opportunity and motives for other corporations. The investment capital is the money that is used to start and create a business venture. This capital is used to create new businesses and a unique base for high tech corporations. Many new corporations share their ideas with investors who will back up their projects with hope for success. Because of this, many technological processes that require a large capital are being produced in California and North Carolina