Characters in various novels often have distinct personalities and defining traits to emphasize their role. These defining characteristics might not be as complex as a personality or a chronic mood. Many associated aspects of today’s protagonists and antagonists are the prevalent objects that accompany them. In the book The Scorch Trials the detrimental forces within the book all possess signature items that play very key roles in the storyline. In the beginning of the story, the boys wake up in a dark room and notice that they have certain peculiar tattoos on their necks. They have been bestowed these ominous tattoos by the ever so mysterious organization WICKED. The tattoos have various phrases on them: “Thomas read the words to himself. Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A7. The Leader” (Dashner 48). These tattoos show that they were one of two groups that WICKED has sent through the maze. The other group, Group B, was described by a newly found boy named Aris. Aris portrays group B as being all women with Aris …show more content…
Cranks are forbidden to have guns in their city. This anomaly was clearly not accounted for by WICKED, as they did have to cure Thomas via abduction and treatment aboard the Berg. The variables that were set by WICKED are very strict and precise. Any simple deviation from plans by someone and they eliminate that person. WICKED keeps the trials as controlled as possible to see which conditions the human subjects or “Gladers” can or cannot handle. The Scorch Trials were specifically formulated to help the human race and bypass the simple cognitive responses of the human brain to make them into a more capable race of humans: “Once these tests are finished… You will be far more capable than any of the people that have devised them. You will be beyond the human race as we know it” (Dashner 287). This foreshadows that there are possibly more tests are to come in the next