Michigan Agency Of Energy Essay

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What drives the performance and behavior of employees in a public organization? The case of the Michigan Agency of Energy
With the advance of internet, media and globalization governments need to stay up to date and in top of their game. In this scenario, bureaucratic reorganization, reforms and creation of new agencies has become an immediate response. New literature, technologies, management approaches, and communication processes are developed in response to events prompting the need for government action. For example, September 11 attacks, prompted President George Bush to reorganize and reform the intelligence community (Jillson, 2016).
In March 2015, Governor Rick Snyder, Executive Order No. 2015-10, created the Michigan Agency for Energy. A new bureaucracy, which the main purpose is to set the state on a “path towards affordable and reliable energy.” The Agency functions under the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, and is directed by Valerie Brader, who is a specialist in energy issues.
As stated before, the creation of new agencies to solve problems is a common practice in Government nowadays. Every new term a new official decides to create a new bureaucracy or separate …show more content…

This section will use Sen’s paradox implications and strategies to understand what will be the best course of action for the agency. In this matter is important to point out that, according to Sen, there are four conditions that an organization needs to meet to respect the judgements of its officials and experts. However, it is also known that complying with all four conditions is unattainable and that at least one has to be violated since they are mutually contradictory. Thus, there are positive and negative outcomes we need to take into account before concluding what strategy it is more suitable for the Michigan Agency of