Microsoft Excel Paper

614 Words3 Pages

Microsoft Excel offers various formats to create business documents. Billing invoices, purchase orders, and accounting and budgeting worksheets are three types of documents that can be created in Excel. By utilizing the functions and formulas in Excel, it decreases the mathematical errors and increase productivity. Therefore, the above mentioned documents can be a tremendous asset to a company by removing the paper aspect of accounting and relying on Excel to convert the information into the best possible billing and invoice system.
When generating billing invoices in Excel, the option to rely on traditional accounting methods such as manually adding and subtracting the debits and credits is an option. However, by utilizing the functions …show more content…

By recording expenses and income, the business can stay within their limits on spending. The worksheet can be utilized to record all expenses such as leases, utilities, insurance, payroll, and equipment rentals. By maintaining a monthly total, the company can ensure that all payments are made on time and does not go over budget. Once the income revenue is added to the worksheet, this will give a better understanding of how much profit is being generated monthly. The worksheet also provides a foundation for what to expect monthly and in the future. Like invoices, utilizing the formulas and functions option ensures the totals are accurate and saves time because they automatically apply to future data that is entered. Pivot tables can also be utilized within the worksheet to filter the data to a greater extent than just the sort option. By opening the pivot table fields pane, the options are present to choose which columns and rows need to be filtered to get the desired information (Coulthard, 2014).
In conclusion, Microsoft Excel can be very beneficial to a business. It provides the company with various pre-made templates and workbook options. Excel can increase productivity along with accuracy by removing the manual labor and mathematical errors associated with written documents. Therefore, Microsoft Excel is a crucial software application that most all businesses utilize at some

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