Mkt 421 Week 4 Business Communication Paper

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Cognate strategies in business communication are ways of promoting understanding in communication either written or oral. (McLean, 2010) Without clarity in your communication key elements of your communication will be missed. Below I will discuss five of the nine elements of cognate strategies for communication clarity, conciseness, credibility, expectation, and tone. The cognate strategy of clarity is important for clear communication. Clarity may involve detailed directions or examples to ensure the reader fully understands your message. In order for the message to promote understanding it must have clarity. One example of clarity, or the need of, was our discussion assignment for week three. Our instructions were for a 250-word response but lacked the clarity if that included the article or our own writing. With more clarity it would have prevented confusion by the class. Conciseness is another element of cognate strategies that will improve your communication and make your message understood. Many times, in an attempt to improve clarity, many points are added that may overwhelm the reader and lead to them losing interest before the intended message is …show more content…

Credibility comes from using creditable sources for your information. One television commercial jokingly stated “if it is on the internet it has to be true”, however that isn’t always true. You may be able to find a source to prove any information you are looking for although it should be from a creditable source. Credibility also referees to a personal credibility in your writing. An example of personal credibility would be your follow through on an email, if you reference in your email to a follow up and do not provide a follow up then your credibility will diminish in future emails. Medical documents for example write policies and procedures based on evidence based practice leading to credibility of the