Middle-Class's Role In The Gym Industry

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A large consumer market in the fitness industry is composed of middle-class Americans interested in fitness and weight loss. Many join gyms in an effort to increase their personal fitness and lose extra pounds. According to the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association’s annual health club consumer study, “52.9 million Americans are health club members”. Unfortunately, the majority of fitness seekers pay for these gym memberships and stop using them or never set foot in the gym at all. Multiple research studies on gym membership retention have shown that about half of consumers pay for a gym membership but do not use it. Why do people spend their hard-earned money but never go to the gym? The answer is because traditional gyms are not convenient, comfortable or motivating for most people. Middle-class families have the disposable income to afford fitness purchases but the current fitness industry does not cater to their needs. Most gyms do not allow children, give little or no instruction on how to use equipment and do not encourage their clients to work out or set fitness goals. Working parents with young children, senior citizens and those with health problem or disabilities face additional barriers to finding a fitness program that will meet their needs. Mobile Muscle realizes the …show more content…

“Chronic illness, disability, joint pain, etc., are common health problems that can keep older adults from exercising.They may fear pain, further injury or sickness, or simply assume that they can’t physically do the work” (Walther, 2015). Mobile muscle has designed lower impact workouts and core strengthening exercises to help seniors increase strength, coordination and balance. Privacy and comfort is important to this group as they feel more comfortable exercising in their home with the guidance of a skilled professional