Short Summary: The English Bill Of Rights

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MY TRUONG Midterm exam- HIS170 Part One: 1. The English Bill of Rights (1689):
The English Bill of Rights established that Englishmen had inalienable civil and political rights that must upheld. It limited the power of the monarch and created separation of power. Within the English Bill of Rights, freedom of speech was also protected in Parliaments. The Bill declared a standarding army in time of peace, stopped them from imposing fines or punishment without trial.
2. Thomas Paine: He is an English- born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist and revolutionary. He was …show more content…

The British soldiers had been billeted in Boston since October 1768 to protect and support crown-appointed colonial officials. After firing into the crowd without order, five people were killed and others were wounded.
Part Two: 1, There are three constitutional acts which drove American colonist to resist British imperial impositions. They are Sugar Act of 1764, Stamp Act of 1765 and Tea Act of 1773
First, British Parliament passed the Sugar act, a revenue-raising indirect tax act on April 5th, 1764. This came in time of economic depression in the American colonies. It raised concern about the bad intent of British Parliament among the American colonists which later on supported the growth movement of American Revolution.
Second, the Stamp Act passed on March 22nd, 1765 applying stamp duties and other reasonable duties in Great Britain colonies. This law objective is to help pay the costs of British military troops camped in North America protecting the colonies which wasn’t needed. A dirty trick of Great Britain to get money without the awareness of American