Miley Cyrus Speech

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Kelsey Rodrigue Miley Cyrus, Hover Boards, and our Robot Minds Intro: John F. Kennedy once said, "We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or to make it the last." Many people would say that my generation is nowhere near becoming the best generation that mankind has ever seen, and I must say that I agree with them. We have definitely left a mark in history in my opinion, in good ways and in bad. Although the majority of my peers are to blame for potentially ruining our future, our parents and our older influences are also to blame. First, we will look at our technology crazed world, then we will explore our messed up pop culture, and finally we will take a look into the future and see what …show more content…

Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and Kanye West, these are just a few names that are popular today that sing about sex, drugs, alcohol, and money. We even have Taylor Swift who sends us teens the message that it 's okay to be psychotic after a breakup. These famous singers ' scandalous lyrics and poor actions make us want to be like them since they are our role models. When I was little, I looked up to Miley Cyrus when she was also known as Hannah Montana. One of my favorite songs was, "The Climb", which talked about how life is like a climb, a very inspirational song, now she is singing about twerking and swinging from construction tools. Her famous song, "Wrecking Ball" has over 740 million views on Youtube alone. But once again, our parents are allowing us to watch these music videos, to be exposed to these bad influences. If our parents can make it through the legwarmers and hairbands of the 80 's, then we can make it through this. Besides music in our pop culture, teenagers are sometimes influenced by violent video games such as Call of Duty and Modern Warfare. An article on the BBC News website talks about the effects that violent video games have on teenagers. A study occurred testing the effects of these games on 100 13-14 year olds. The results showed that the teenagers, especially the ones who played daily, started to lose empathy for others and having more difficulty deciding right from …show more content…

It started in kindergarten when I said I wanted to be a rock star, then when I was ten they asked again and I said a race car driver. Last year I was saying that I wanted to become a lawyer. As the need for a serious answer is approaching, I have no clue what the future holds in store for me, no one does. NBC news reported that 50 percent of college freshman change their major at least once. Personally I wish I had a Back to the Future Delorean to time travel in and get the answers, but that is not the case. According to the movie Back to the Future 2, 2015 is supposed to be the year of hoverboards, flying cars, and other great advances, when in reality, it is a bunch of lazy, obese people who don 't care about much except for their technology. Though most of us forensics kids are on the right path for a bright future, the majority of our peers are not. They are more focused on when they are going to get their next high, instead of when homework is due, what fancy car they are going to buy in the future, but not on how to get a job to pay for that car. We are throwing away our futures to bad habits that we have now. This generation is the future. For those of you that have seen the movie Her, you understand as well as I do how weird it was to see a man fall in love with his cell phone. For those of you who haven 't seen this movie, I 'm sure you can imagine how odd it would be to see