
Military Draft Essay

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All parents have heard at one time or another “Mommy, (Daddy) please don’t go!” For parents to walk out of the door when they hear this plea from their child is extremely difficult. Children feel more secure when both of their parents are at home. When one of the parents is absent, the children feel a sense of loss and less protected. Why does the American government feel that it has the right to demand that one of the parents leave his/her home to provide protection for American citizens when a child is left at home with limited protection? Many Americans believe that the government does not have this right. Therefore, every American citizen should not be subject to a military draft because it causes family separation, physical injuries/possible death, and mental trauma.
Every American citizen should not be subject to a military draft because it causes family separation. Another consequence of such an outcome is the lack of family interaction between the mother/father with the child. In fact, such separations have tremendous effects on the solders’ families to the point that school-age children who have a least one parent deployed have been …show more content…

Family resilience is thus conceptualized as the power to achieve positive adaption following a crisis by employing one or more of these methods (Patterson 2002a). Because of the structure and mandatory demands of military life, it is sometimes impossible for either the service member or family members to reduce demands.

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