
Military Narrative

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The Jump It all started when I found out what my first duty station was. I never experienced so many emotions all at once. I was nervous, excited, anxious, worried, and scared. I then immediately experienced the “What If Syndrome.” What if I get a crappy assignment? What if the Army send me to war? What if I get stationed overseas far away from my family? Then finally, the Drill Sergeant shouted, “Fort Campbell, Kentucky.” I was thinking to myself what the bleep! Yeah, it is funny but I was not laughing! I was not expecting to get such a tough assignment. I could not help but think how boring it would be. At this point, I could not complain now. Before I signed up for the Army, I talked about how much I could not wait to travel. The good part was that Fort Campbell was only about three and a half hours from my hometown. I figured what the heck, I would just make the best of the assignment. …show more content…

I will never forget those ugly green and black camouflaged uniforms worn with black combat boots. Every night before I went to bed, I iron my uniforms and shined my boots. Some nights I stayed up late shining my boots. Every morning I had to be in a formation by 0845. As I walk up to the formation, I look down and see nothing but shiny boot tips. I saw a few Soldiers holding thick brown booth brushes. I also noticed how many Soldiers uniforms were starched and creased. Everyone wanted to look sharp. I felt proud to be a Soldier and proud to be part of the 101st Airborne Division (Air

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