Military Vs. Wives Analysis

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Laura Dempsey, a civil rights lawyer and political consultant, writes “Military vs. Wives,” to argue how the military lifestyle makes it untenable for military wives to have successful careers. In the article, Dempsey gives a list of policies, designated for military wives, which should be enforced by the government and military. This list includes: regulatory and licensure exemptions, exempt local and state taxes, college tuition to be in-state, require universities to accept transfer credit, distribute positions on military installations to spouses, and provided improved child-care. The author composed her argument with a logical method appeal. Dempsey establishes her argument by providing facts, firsthand experience, and credibility.
Dempsey uses deductive reasoning to establish her argument. She first generalizes working military wives with having all the same disadvantages, which include: unfairly income tax rates, adaptiveness to different state laws, and a lack of well-paying jobs. Then she specifically explains the disadvantages of professionally licensed military wives. The licensed wives have …show more content…

The first being in the beginning of the article when she states, "I think it's safe to say that military wives like me face career obstacles that few civilian wives could appreciate." There is no doubt military wives have career obstacles but she makes the assumption that only military wives have difficult career obstacles. There are many similar or different situations where a civilian wife has career difficulties to overcome. The second assumption is throughout the entire article, and even in the title. Dempsey's argument is solely focused on military "wives,” however it may have been more appropriate to use "spouse.” There are many soldiers in the military, including women, therefore their husbands would have the same career disadvantages as the