
Milkweed Essay

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According to Scholastic, Milkweed, “is a book about devastating settings imaginable, and is a tale of heartbreak, hope and survival through the bright eyes of a young orphan. Some readers dislike this book because it is too sad or it has a slow beginning. Overall this book is engaging, invigorating, and includes amazing historical facts. Milkweed is a book that every reader will enjoy reading. The book Milkweed is very engaging and gripping. Misha is a very brave and courageous character. Misha goes through a lot of hard times. The events in this book make the readers want to figure out what will happen next. This makes the readers want to keep reading. For example, on page 178, while talking to Misha, Uri says “ None of the Jews will survive.” …show more content…

The cool historical facts make the book even better. The historical facts are true, but the characters and the story’s plot are made up. This is a great facet because the readers will learn a lot about the past and they will have fun reading a great plot at the same time. In this book it tells how the Nazis would bomb and treat Jews very badly. This is connected to Milkweed because in this book, Misha is a Jew and Nazis are attacking him and his “family”. This is what happened in World War II. World War II involved almost all the countries in the whole world. In World War II, a german man named Hitler started to bomb and invade countries. Hitler hated the Jews because he thought that all the problems in Germany were because of the Jews. So, Hitler started attacking the Jews. He persuaded other countries to help, and a lot of countries did help him. On an average 27,00 people died in World War II. World War II lasted for more than 6 six years. These were probably the worst 6 years in the world existance. World War II was the worst war ever. People who read Milkweed will learn a lot about World War II. Although this book is really good and has some really good features, some people think otherwise. Some people argue that Milkweed is really sad. As it appears sad, but others may look at it differently. The book gives a lot of details about World War II. It tells how Misha is feeling throughout the war. It

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