Cost Of Living And Minimum Wage Essay

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The Cost of Living and Minimum Wage Increase
Cost of living is the cost of maintaining a certain standard of living. A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. What do these two things have in common? When the cost of living is too high minimum wage won't suffice for a living. Unfortunately, the cost of living will always rise due to inflation. Naturally the rise in the price for living shouldn't be a problem but when the minimum wages don't rise many people suffer. Minimum wages should be raised because it will save the government money, help lower income citizens eliminate poverty, and workers aren’t getting paid their worth. How would you survive if you didn't make enough money to live?
A study by the Center for American Progress found that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would help 3.5 million Americans get off food stamps (Rachel West and Michael Reich, 2014). Americans spend $80 billion each year financing food stamps for the poor, but the country has no idea where or how the money is spent (Luke Rosiak, June 24, 2012). The rise of minimum wages would allow this number to decrease drastically. If minimum wage is increased by ten percent, it would reduce food stamp usage by two to three percent. This would allow for an improvement of approximately $4.6 billion that can be saved or returned to the taxpayer’s wallet (Rachel West and Michael Reich, 2014). If the numbers …show more content…

A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. What do these two things have in common? They are both essential to our everyday life. They both have a factor in determining the percentage of poverty in America. Americans should be for the rise of minimum wage because it saves the government money, helps eliminate poverty, and gets workers paid their worth. What if your family became made the minimum wage would you be for or against an

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