Minimum Wage Pros And Cons Essay

688 Words3 Pages

Conclusion and Recommendations:
In conclusion, high minimum wage is starting to become a growing concern as time goes on. Many stakeholders are affected by high minimum wage, which includes, employees/future employees, managers, foreign/local organizations, and also the Canadian government. Just like how managers have to somehow find a way to achieve a goal while minimum wage continues to rise, the government also have to find a way to control minimum wage in a way that all stakeholders involved will be satisfied about it. This becomes very difficult as employees ask for a higher minimum wage, and foreign/local managers wish for a lower minimum wage to cut back on expenses. As mentioned before in the report, Winnipeg has a petition currently going on to get a $15 minimum wage started in Winnipeg, and the …show more content…

Therefore, if they work better foreign companies will want to come to Canada for business because of good employees. The long term acheivements include organizations not considering to leave, which continues to give jobs to current employees, making it less compeititve for future employees. Also high minimum wage creates a bad image for foreign organizations to open businesses in Canada. However, this idea also has negative aspects, which include continues pressure on governments by employees and unions to increase minimum wage, possiable protests/boycotts to increase minimum wage in the near future. If these negative aspects of the reccomendation do come true Canada will be faced with some negative impacts. For example if the employees go on strike the company hiring them could be local or foreign will get a negative perspective of the Canadian labour force, which affects future development of more foreign businesses coming to Canada and providing jobs. However, this is not the only opition that they have, something else that they can do is make the decision of minimum wage up to the organizations, but have a strict law of not