The Pros And Cons Of Ontario's Minimum Wage

1984 Words8 Pages

Ontario’s minimum wage has hit an all-time high of $11.00 an hour in June of 2014. Jobs have been also steadily have been becoming available after the repercussions of the 2008 economic recession. But even with the good news there are issues that still need to be fixed for the middle class and working class families of Ontario. The government and various financial companies have been fighting more to compensate for the higher cost of living in Ontario. The general fact is that minimum wage has steadily increased slowly over the last few decades, while the cost of living has skyrocketed. The Canadian general public is ecstatic over the increase yet still they demand more to supplement their families and fight to stay about the poverty line. There are positives and negatives of a higher living wage for working class and middle class families, even the …show more content…

The Ontario government focuses on the middle class to run the economy and have incentives to raise a family. Yet the government keeps creating minimum wage jobs. That are often taken by hard working parents trying to keep their kids educated while saving for the non-existent pension jobs for retirement. As most of the jobs in Ontario have little or no coverage for retirement and the growing elder population of Canada.3 The 2008-9 recessions has shown the resurgence of full time positions yet the outcome is dim. Mainly because the baby boomer retirees and the jobs they lost or are trying to maintain in the current economic situation. The flood of minimum wage jobs has saturated the Ontario job field with service jobs and or even highly educated jobs pay following close to the minimum wage of $11 dollars an hour. Good examples are the medical assistant jobs and human resource in Niagara. In which these jobs are usually filled by females. Not to point out the inequality