Minority Conformity

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Majorities influence their members to conform by using peer pressure. Bearing 100% of the responsibility without a single ally is too much for one person to bear without a conviction of purpose (Forsyth, 2009). In these situations, individuals will naturally go along with whatever the majority favors in order to avoid looking foolish or stupid. To combat the majority influence, an individual must gain allies to their ideas and decisions (Forsyth, 2009). Even with only one other person as an ally, the pressure to conform from the majority upon the individual weakens. As more allies are recruited to join the minority, the power of the majority also weakens. In general, conformists display common characteristics, and in specific circumstances, many people will succumb to the pressure from a majority as well (Forsyth, 2009). For example, individuals with low self-esteem or who are introverted are more likely to conform. If there is a low level of anonymity or a high level of cohesion, conformity among the individuals increases (Forsyth, 2009). For many, being in the majority is more rewarding than the minority since they usually have control over …show more content…

By opposing the decision of the majority, this position of the individual captivates other members of the group and forces other individuals to reflect upon where they stand on the issue rather than just conforming to the decision of the majority. Through their consistency, minorities can become a profound instrument of change, but it takes a consistency many are unable to sustain. When faced with opposition, many change to comply with the majority making the influence of the minority fleeting (Forsyth, 2009). Through validation, minorities are changing the hearts and minds of their supporters. This change may not be immediately evident, instead it may occur at a slower pace over